Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Ultimate Survivor

Who is the ultimate survivor? The person who always seems to land on his feet no matter what life throws at him/her. The key attributes can vary with each individual but, all survivors have these characteristics to some extent. Given the state of the world we live in today, everyone should develop these traits to make their existence more bearable and pleasant.
  1. Positive Attitude    Nothing gets to them. They always have a smile on their face even in tough situations. This attribute allows them to analyze, think and act clearly without letting emotion intervene. Positiveness equates with calmness, knowing that there is a solution to every problem. 
  2. Confidence   Not cocky or arrogant but someone who knows their strengths and weaknesses. They make life decisions and take action based on this criteria.
  3. Egoless   Sounds like a contradiction to the previous characteristic but, your ego cannot get in the way of what needs to be accomplished. There will be occasions when you have to suck it up and do things that go against your nature.
  4. Tenacity    Like a cornered animal, you have stand your ground. Never give up or give in to your principals. Aggressiveness is used with restraint because you can't burn any bridges along the life's journey. 
  5. Frugality   Don't misunderstand, we're not talking about being cheap. A survivor knows value and quality and makes decisions accordingly. This characteristic applies to both how money is spent but, also how they respect and treat the things already have in their lives.
  6. Compassion    It's said, that you'll never receive anything unless you learn to give. What goes around comes around. Never be a hoarder or loner. Respect your fellow human beings. Help when you can and the favors will be returned. 
  7. Spirituality   There's an appreciation for what life has already bestowed on them. 
  8. No Fear of Failure  We are human. We will make mistakes. A survivor looks at failure as a learning experience. True success is a series of failures that we use to our overall benefit. 
  9. Presence   The ability to focus on what's happening NOW. Not wallowing in the past or worrying about the future. Every minute, hour and day is a blessing and should be enjoyed passionately. 
  10. Creativity   Think outside the box. There is never a challenge that can,t be met. The human mind is an amazing thing if we don't restrict our ways of looking at life's dilemmas.                                                                                                                                                                
 A true survivor savors everything placed on their plate, good or bad. The real test is to be able get up if we're knocked down or not become complacent when things go our way. March On!
In the future, I will dig deeper into these characteristics, one by one, and hopefully provide insights in developing our resilience to what life throws at us.
( Note: This post was written by a person who has been unemployed for five months and still finds enthusiasm and happiness living every minute of every day.)
                            SMILE..... IT'S NOT THAT BAD

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