Monday, August 31, 2009

Life's an Adventure

                     I was a twenty-five year old, over confident and immature idealist when I decided to move to
    Dallas in 1979. Being born and raised in a small Wisconsin town, my life experience was very limited
    to say the least. Looking back at the experience, I must have been out my mind! Gathering my belongings
    and $1100.00 in life savings, boarding a train in Chicago, I started my journey.
                My first year was an education. As the son of a successful dentist, I was used to having all the
    basics of life: a beautiful home or apartment, car, plenty of money, and security. Now, I was stripped
    bare, having to start from scratch and slowly but surely acquire these things I always took for granted.
    To make a long story short, I'm still here thirty years later. Sure, it was a rollercoaster ride but we all experience our "ups and downs". Believe me, I've had my share and lessons have been learned.
                   My story is not extraordinary by any means but, building a comfortable existence isn't easy.
    Today, life in 2009 can be frustrating, exhausting and down right tough!  The economy is in the tank,

    people are losing their jobs, inflation has everyone scrambling but life goes on. We all have to discover
    alternative methods to make our existence bearable and enjoyable.
    My intention is to provide a little insight, tips and tricks for surviving in this downright crazy
    world we're living in today. I hope that this information can help.
    If there are specific topics that you would want addressed, please email me at
     Also, I invite you to read some other of my musings at HubPages.